Pick your favorite color
Date: 2023-02-13 13:55:37

Color is more and more important in online sales. Julei offers many different colors for our customers to help them get the market. You can check some of our regular colors below.

形状, 多边形


At the same time, customized color is acceptable. We can totally understand that the poplar color will be different for different market. Normally, we will confirm the final color with our customer according to the Pantone Color Book.

We know that our client will concern if the painting of our product will follow the local laws, that we do the test for our painting, you can check the details enclose:

The durable of the painting also what we concern. In the year 2021, we do the salt spray test for it, the painting surface did not get any problem after 32 hours test.

Julei always focus on every detail that our clients’ concern. We believe that we can help them to get more market with our effort and service. Hope you will be out next customer

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