Hand Loading or Pallet Loading?
Date: 2023-02-13 14:03:36


How to load a container? It seems to be the problem for the factory. However, the fact is more related to the client while they unload the container.

It’s two opposite thing things for the factory and client. For the factory, the aim is to try to load everything inside the container as fast as possible. For the client, the aim is to unload the goods and confirm the goods is correct according to the packing list.

To be honest, it won’t be too much different between hand loading or pallet loading. Here, let me show you what would be the different for two methods.


Hand Loading

Pallet loading

Loading Time for 40’HQ

1-3 hours (depend on item)

1 hours

Unload Time for 40’HQ

2-6 hours

1-2 hours

Loading cost


High (depend on pallet type)

Estimate CBM for GOODS in 40’HQ




More goods inside the container

It would be saved time and work for warehouse

The key for this problem is to compare the cost or value of each item between two loading.

According to the crazy sea freight, more and more customers reconsider the loading way of the container. What is your opinion?



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